The first rule of the JAGS is that golf should be played in the spirit of the game and members should strive to make all our outings as enjoyable as possible for their fellow members and guests.
The Committee will have oversight of all society business “The Spirit of the JAGS”.
The Committee will comprise of at least 5 members but no more than 6.
The Committee positions required to run the society are as follows - The Chairman, The Handicap Secretary, The Treasurer and The Competition Secretary. Committee members may hold multiple positions.
The Chairman has accountability for the society and will organize and preside over all society meetings and will have the casting vote should there be a split decision.
The Handicap Secretary is responsible for the member’s handicaps for all JAGS competitions, the Handicap Secretary will take into consideration handicaps from the members other affiliated membership handicaps.
The Treasurer is responsible for Society funds and will provide the Committee with the balance of funds on a regular basis.
The Competition Secretary is responsible for the organising of outings, booking the courses, competition format and informing the members of such outings.
Membership of the JAGS will be considered on an annual basis and will run from the 1st of Jan to the 31 of December.
Membership acceptance will be at the discretion of the Committee and will only be considered on acceptance of subscription fees (Subs). Only fully paid-up members will be eligible for prizes and or competition points at any competition. Nonmembers will be considered as guests in all competitions.
Subs will be set at the AGM for the following season. Notice of Subs will be by email after the AGM.
Subs will cover the cost of shirts and prizes etc.
New members will pay a prorated fee after the 31st of March.
Subs should be paid to the Treasurer and are nonrefundable.
Committee meetings will be held at least quarterly. The Chairman will determine the meeting dates, a quorum of at least 3 Committee member must be present to constitute the meeting.
​The society will hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM), the AGM should be held in the November of each year. The Agenda of the AGM will be set by the Committee and will be communicated prior to the AGM. Members wishing to raise a subject for discussion at the AGM must address the subject to the Chairman in writing no later than 14 days prior to the AGM.
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) can be requested at the discretion of the members in writing to the Chairman.
Minutes of all meetings will be made available on request of any member.
1. Attire - Players are requested to wear their JAGS shirt at JAGS competitions.​
2. Order of play - Players are requested to arrive at the course in ample time to start the competition. If any Player is not at the T-box at the allocated T-time the team must start without the missing team member, late players can join the group (catch up) at the group’s next available T-box and forfeit the preceding holes played by the group.​
3. Guests - Members are responsible for their guests during any competition day, members will be responsible for the conduct of their guest during the competition including any liabilities the society may occur from the host course pertinent to the guest’s actions, any liabilities not settled by the member may result suspension or expulsion from the society.
4. ​Competition format - All society competitions formats will be set forth on or before the day of competition by the Competition Secretary and communicated to the players either by email, website or by the host course Master of Ceremonies (MC). Unless otherwise stated on the competition rules of the day, the JAGS rule for a tied score will utilise the count back system, tied scores will be decided on the best score on the back 9 holes (10 thru 18 on the scorecard), in the event that the score is still tied the last 6 holes (13 thru 18 on the scorecard) will be used, failing that the last 3 holes and finally if required the 18th hole and back until a winner can be decided.
5. ​Score Cards – Players cannot mark their own scorecards, the score returned on completion of each hole should be entered on the players card by the marker in agreement with the player, disputes relating to a score should be resolved at the completion of each hole between the player and the marker and if need be, in conjunction with the other players in the group.
The gross (total) score for each hole must be entered on the scorecard, in Stableford competition the marker and/or player may enter the Stableford score, however not compulsory.
If the player does not complete a hole (Stableford competition only) a horizontal stroke should be entered at that hole to indicate “no score”.
Players should keep track of their own score either utilizing the space and clearly identifiable on the card they are marking or on another card to be referred to at the end of the round.
Players are responsible for returning their scorecards to the committee on completion of their round.
Scorecards must be signed by both player and marker.
The committee on the day are responsible for applying handicaps and Stableford scores for all scorecards.
If a player does not return a scorecard completed and signed by both marker and player within a reasonable time on completion of the round, the committee will consider a NR for the player.​
6. Speed of play – Players are expected to keep up with the game ahead of them, if a player exceeds the numbers of strokes in Stableford play to register a score and is falling behind the game in front, pick up and move on to the next T-box.​
7. Handicaps
The Handicap Secretary will endeavor to keep the members JAGS always handicap up to date.
It is a member’s responsibility and duty to promptly inform The Handicap Secretary if he is affiliated to any another golf society/club/federation and/or has any other handicap from a recognised authority. He must inform the Handicap Secretary of their “other handicap” prior to a JAGS competition.
In all cases, JAGS members should return a score card in JAGS competitions employing their lowest handicap held e.g., JAGS, other society/club/federation and/or a recognised authority handicap.
Course slope ratings will not be considered for handicap adjustments.
8. Objections - Any objections or complaints should be raised with the Chairman in writing. Email is an accepted form of writing.
9. Handicap cuts - Competition winners can expect a 1 shot cut to their handicap regardless of their score, subject to the Handicap Secretary.
10. Etiquette - All Society members should endeavor to follow the “THE SPIRIT OF THE JAGS”
11. Governance - The committee reserves the right to amend the rules “THE SPIRIT OF THE JAGS” at any time, and any changes will be communicated to the members. The committee reserves the right to investigate any breach of the rules and in doing so will endeavor treat all allegations in a fair and courteous manner maintaining the respect, the rights, and privileges of all members. The conclusion of any dispute, any ruling, decision and or disciplinary action taken by the committee will be binding and final. All decisions and or rule changes will be made in the best interests of the Society.
1. All competitions will be played I.A.W. the R&A rules. Excluding exceptions stated hereafter.
2. Link to R&A rules.
3. Local rules - In addition to the R&A Rules, Members should adhere to the rules of the host Golf Club AKA local rules, they will usually be found on the reverse of the scorecard.
4. Concessions - All putts must be holed out, no concessions (gimmes) allowed in competition play. Any player not holing out may be subject to disqualification.
5. Free relief from a divot - if a ball comes to rest in a divot on the fairway the player under no penalty may take free relief, lift clean and place within 6 inches no closer to the hole.
6. Cart path relief – If a player elects to take free relief from a cart path he must do so under R&A rule 16. However, as a local JAGS rule (applicable exclusively at Jebel Ali Golf Course); any played ball coming to rest on any recognized cart path (paved paths), regardless of the balls position on the path, may be dropped on the grassed side of the path, not nearer the hole.
7. Order of play – JAGS employ the ready golf philosophy, if you are ready to tee off, play your ball. Subsequent shots should only be played out of turn at the acceptance of your playing group.